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Have you ever felt like God was calling you for something more? Maybe it’s a call to dig deeper in your current job, relationships, and community you are in. Maybe it’s a call to get out of your comfort zone in a big or small way and leave it all behind for the sake of Christ. Maybe God’s just asking you to trust Him enough to take a little time away from your busy life to listen to what He has to say. I do not know your heart, but I do know the Lord who does. He has created each of us uniquely and with a purpose that can be used to grow His heavenly kingdom while we are still on this earth. Ephesians 2:10 (ESV) says, “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”

When I was a senior in high school, one of my leaders at youth group made the decision to go on a mission trip called, “The World Race.” As she prepared for that trip, I had the opportunity to learn more about it and help support and pray for her. I believe that was when God planted the first seed of desire for me to go share the gospel to more nations than just my own.

One of my leader’s World Race fundraising t-shirts had a design based on Hebrews 13:20-21 that said, “God doesn’t call the equipped, he equips the called.” That verse provided hope that helped me through the next 6 years of some tough and many beautiful times. I graduated high school and college, started my career as a dental hygienist, served in my church and other different local capacities but the desire never left. I kept praying and hoping, “Someday Lord, I would love to follow you on a journey like that, but when?”

Last year, my younger brother, Gabe, embarked on his own World Race gap year mission trip after high school. My heart could nearly explode from the excitement I’ve felt for him as he’s taken his faith completely as his own, grown deeper, and shared the good news with others outside of his personal comfort zone. I shared with my parents that The World Race had always been a wishful thought, but with college and now having the responsibilities of being an adult working full-time, I felt I’d missed my opportunity. Then my dad said something along these lines that stuck with me: “Why do you think it’s too late for God to use you in this way?” I wrestled with that question. I knew that the Lord was working in my life right here in Dayton, OH. I also knew that I had grown quite comfortable in my current life situation; feeling financially secure, working at a job I absolutely love as a pediatric dental hygienist, serving in kids and youth ministries at my church, going on short-term mission trips, growing in a community of other believers, living near family and friends… Yet as I’ve continued to dig deeper into my faith than ever before, I’ve realized that God doesn’t call us to be comfortable, but to seek Him and His plan even if it is totally out of our comfort zone. (Luke 9:23-26)

Anyways, if you know me, you’ve probably seen that I am a pretty crazy person in general, so getting out of comfort zones is almost a daily pastime for me, but what would it mean to do that for the sake of Christ? Cue the revisited conversation and desire to go on the World Race that I had been attempting to stifle due to fear, and honestly, lack of trust in the Lord with my future. I started researching upcoming trips on the Adventures in Missions website and one particular trip caught my eye. As you can probably guess, this is where the Lord is leading. The journey starts in August 2023, and goes to Guatemala, Romania, Albania, Turkey, Jordan, and South Asia. While in these countries, we will be serving in many different capacities, including physical needs with community service projects, serving in children/youth ministries, teaching ESL, church planting, prison ministry, evangelizing, discipleship, and seeking opportunities to meet any other physical and spiritual needs the Lord reveals. In the attempt to be as available as possible, we will each live out of a backpack – carrying all of our own belongings and shelter (a tent) for the year. All this to say, I am overwhelmed and excited for the opportunity to trust the Lord for his provision through all aspects of this faith journey – before, during and after the 11 months.

In hindsight, I am incredibly thankful for the years it took as the Lord prepared my heart and faith for such a time as this. I do not think I would have been ready for a journey like this at 17 years old. Honestly, I still don’t feel completely ready. However, after months of prayer and seeking discernment from the Lord, His Word, and wise counsel, I believe this is where He is calling me to go for the next 11 months.

Above all else, I ask for your prayers. Please pray for softened and open hearts (for those we minister to as well as our own).  My desire is to see divine opportunities for the Good News of the Lord and His gospel to be revealed to all people and all nations. If you feel led to contribute to my financial need of $19,700 for the trip, please know that any amount is greatly appreciated. Each dollar has the ability (through Christ’s sovereign power) to further the kingdom of God and change lives forever. I love you all dearly and appreciate your support. Thank you!

Francesca Day<3

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16 responses to “Answering the Call”

  1. Fran, you are an amazing woman who is focused on serving well. I love your heart and desire to be fully devoted to Christ’s calling. So excited for your journey. Thank you for being willing to go and do.

    • Thank you, dad! I appreciate your support and encouragement so much! Love you!!

  2. Fran, I’m so proud of you. The Lord already has done big things in you and I can see so evidently that He’s going to do even more still. I’m super excited to hear and read about what this journey holds for you. Christ Himself chose you for this journey, it’s His hand that will sustain you through it. Love you!

    • Thank you, Gabe! Your encouragement means so much to me! I am so proud of you and thankful to call you my brother. Love seeing God working in and through you! Love you tons!!!

    • Thank you so much, Jackson!!! It’s been a joy to follow along with your World Race journey (especially through your awesome photography) this past year! Can’t wait to see all God continues to do in your life!!

  3. YES FRAN! This is amazing and so pumped for you to start this journey!!!

    • THANK YOU, WELDON!!! I appreciate your support so much! Excited to see all the Lord continues to do through you as J-Squad comes home!

  4. Stoked for you!!
    The Lord has huge plans for you in this next journey. He will never cease the call for you. Go get em.

    • Thanks for the encouraging words of wisdom, Knox!!! It’s been awesome to see a small glimpse of all the beautiful things God is doing through you and the rest of J-squad on your World Race journey. Praying for y’all!

  5. Fran, this is so amazing! The Lord is going to move through you in so many ways! I will be praying for you and your journey!

    • You are awesome, Faith! I am so grateful for your support and prayers! Thank you!! 🙂

  6. Fran that’s so exciting, I love it! I can’t wait to see where the Lord will take you on the race!

    • Thank you so much, Lauren! It’s been amazing following along with you and the rest of J-Squad’s World Race journey. Thankful and praying for you all! <3

  7. This is so exciting!! Praying for you big time as the Lord prepares you for this beautiful journey! He has so much in store for you!

    • Thank you, Caleigh!! I am so grateful for your prayers! God is so incredibly good and faithful. Proud of you and the rest of sweet J-Squad. Praying for you all!